I finished the sewing bits of the Jack Sparrow costume.  First, here is the completed waistcoat/vest:

This was fun to do, as I made my own pattern and it all went together easily!

The back in the films is made of a different fabric, as waistcoats frequently were, but I didn’t have anything in the fabric bins that would work, so I decided to self back it.  You won’t see much of the back anyway, what with the sash and wig!

After the waistcoat, I finished the Jack Sparrow breeches:

I used a bloomer pattern that was very heavily modified!  It was a huge relief when they fit properly, as I majorly suck at sewing pants!  Also, I faked the button panel by putting a zipper underneath it.  I didn’t do the research to figure out how they actually closed their flies, but I’m pretty sure it involved some form of lacing, I really don’t want the hassle of that, since this is just for Halloween!

Then, I sewed the Jack Sparrow shirt. This is a linen/cotten blend fabric that I really like.  I should have bought more!  I don’t like straight linen much, as it needs to be worn alot in order to get that soft, worn feel.  With the cotton addition, this looks like linen, but is already soft!  So nice for shirts!  It came blindingly white, but I dyed it in black tea.  By laying tea bags randomly through layers of the fabric, and not doing much stirring, I created an uneven dye pattern – some areas are a bit blotchy, and the darkness/lightness of the dye varies quite a bit.  I still need to age and distress the entire outfit, but dyeing the shirt like this gives me a leg up in the aging process.  It already looks like it’s been worn out in sunlight and faded.

I used wooden buttons because I had few left over from another project, and they look cool.

The Captain Jack Sparrow outfit is completed and ready to wear.  Last night, I did a test run of the makeup and beard application.

I was astonished, when the makeup and beard was on, how MUCH I resemble Johnny Depp!  I never would have guessed.  Seriously, it was turning me on to look at myself in the mirror!  :D  I can’t wait to show you guys….but you’ll have to wait until after Weds, when I wear this outfit to “Disney Characters Day” at work.  I think this going to be my official Halloween costume this year as well.  I absolutely love it.  And it was so much fun applying the beard!

Yesterday and today, I put all the last details together on Captain Sparrow – including the distressing of his clothes.  Here’s a peek at his pants:

I think you’ll agree those are some nasty, dirty-looking knee breeches!  I use lots of stuff for the ‘dirt’ (including food products like smashed berries and soy sauce – anything I feel will leave a good stain), but my favorite two things are these:

The leather dye is awesome, because it comes in a bottle with a round sponge applicator top.  This makes it so perfectly easy to manipulate along the fabric, creating just the size and darkness of stain you desire.  If you just barely brush the sponge across the fabric without applying any pressure, you get a general ‘dulling’ of the fabric, as if dirt is ground into it.

The tool is actually a lemon zester.  It works brilliantly on lemons, and it works just as brilliantly on fabric.  Stretch a piece of fabric across your knee, and scrape the zester across it.  Vigorous scraping produces a perfect aged hole.  Less vigorous scraping produces a lovely worn look.  For fraying hems, hold the zester handle between your knees and stretch the fabric between your hands.  Scrape the hem enthusiastically upward along the zester, varying the pressure for different degrees of damage.

This is one of my favorite costumes ever.  So much fun; I even enjoyed the makeup process!  And, of course, people’s reactions were hilarious.  Some people weren’t quite sure whether I was a guy or a girl (until I spoke and ruined the illusion!).  The only people you can’t fool?  Little kids!  One teeny little girl looked at me and said:  “Daddy, that girl is wearing a sword!”.  Funny how that was the only noteworthy part of my costume…. :D

I have been officially informed that, in this costume, I am attractive to gay men and straight women.  Just the demographic I’m aiming for….  *snicker*

I wore this today to work; we had a “Disney Characters” fun day.  Here I am with Belle from “Beauty & the Beast”.  Can you believe she threw this together yesterday from a borrowed prom dress, the shoes from her wedding, and some tulle?

And lastly, here’s Jack with his parrot…er…chicken….

That is Ellie.  She didn’t particularly want to pose with a pirate, but she DID want to pull his chin beads off!!!